Hi! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It was really weird not having family around for Thanksgiving, but we went to Winter Park Resort with some great friends and had a wonderful time. Not sure if some of you know, but Shelly and Mark's friends Scott and Jennifer Saettel moved to Denver from Memphis a few months ago, and we have known them for quite some time. It is really great to have them over here...they've been our lifesavers. Also, one of Chris's friends, Michael Moore (was in Chris and Lindsay's wedding), moved down here as well. He actually moved to Colorado Springs, so he is a lot closer that Scott and Jennifer and we have all became a little family out here!
So, we drove up to Winter Park which is about 2 hours away, rented a cute little condo and skied for 3 days! Mason did ski school the first day, and he did great! I was a little nervous on leaving him there because it was so cold! The high on Thanksgiving Day was 12 degrees!!! But we bundled him up in all of his gear and he did great on the bunny slope!
Isn't he cute all decked out in his ski gear?!?! |
For our Thanksgiving dinner, we all took on the jobs of making something different, so we had a wonderful meal. Paul deep fried a turkey (gotta keep the southern roots going over here ;)), I made green bean casserole, Jennifer and Scott made mashed potatoes, and brought along some dressing! We had pecan pie and I made some cobbler! Yummy!
Friday was our second day skiing, and Mason joined us that day on the slopes. He was a little hesitant of letting go of Paul's ski pole, but he did great. We even took a long run that we didn't realize was going to be as tough as it was, but he took it like a pro! He wiped out a few times, but he didnt' give up! We were all so sore on Friday..it's amazing what muscles you don't know you had until you go skiing!
Saturday was actually a warmer day...I think the high got up to low 30's, but when you are up on the mountain and the sun is shining (with all your layers of ski gear), it was actually warm! We ended up taking some of our layers off, so it was an awesome day! Mason took off down the slopes and there was no stopping him. I am so glad he enojoyed it! He said he is ready to go skiing again! Watch out Uncle Chris and Aunt Lindsay...he'll beat ya down the slopes when you come in January!
Here are some pics from our trip!
View from our Room |
Scott and Jennifer |
The little skier! |
We were on the ski lift...lol |
When we got back home on Sunday afternoon, it started snowing at our house around 5pm and it didn't stop. We got about 3 inches of snow Sunday evening and this is what the house looked like Monday morning...
Mason was real disappointed that he had school that day...gonna take him a little bit to get used to the fact that snow isn't a big deal around here. The whole city doesn't shut down...ha!
Hope everyone is doing great! We wlll be in Memphis in 2 weeks and 2 days...the countdown begins!
Love and miss everyon!