Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mason and Taekwondo

For those of you that didn't know, Mason has been taking Taekwondo for the past couple of months. He has learned so much in these past few months and we are so proud of him!  They teach them about respect and he earns blue stripes every week based on his reading (which he is reading on a 2nd and 3rd grade level), his actions around the house and how much he exercises and practices during the week.  It has really been great for him!

Every so often, all of the Taekwondo centers in the Colorado Springs area have a Master's Challenge where they compete in different events.  Today, Mason competed in his first Master's Challenge in the Creative Board Breaking event and he took 1st place in his age group!!!  We were so proud of him!  I was especially proud of him, mainly because he takes after me when it comes to getting in front of people and performing (imagine that...not only does he look like me, he gets this lovely, but he did awesome!  He broke three with the hammer fist, elbow strike, and the crescent kick!  Here are the pictures...

Mason's scores (best out of 10)!
First Place! Gold Medal!

Hope yall enjoy the pictures...we are proud of him!!  More to blog later!

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